March 24, 2020
with the idea that we will reassess and will likely follow school closures
In this season, of shutdown, our priorities to serve our church and our community are as follows (in no particular order of importance)...
1. Find ways for people to engage in community with one another. We are going to need to be creative and use many virtual tools. We'll need to be flexible and adapt, however finding meaningful ways to engage in relationship with each other is vital.
Life Groups:
If you were in a group during the Winter quarter, you should have heard from your leader regarding your plan for
connecting going forward. If you have not, please reach out to Pastor Jason so he can facilitate this,
If you are wanting to join a group for the Spring quarter, we'd love to hear from you,
Kids' Church:
We are hosting Zoom meetings by age group each Sunday morning. If your child is interested in joining us, please email, Newcomers are welcome. We'd love to see new faces.
2. Provide opportunities for spiritual growth. We are committed to providing resources for people to grow both individually and in community with one another. In addtion to the items listed in ways for people to engage in community there will also be
Weekly Messages:
There will be a new message from Pastor Jason each Sunday. You can watch it on YouTube or listen to it through your podcast
app anytime on Sunday… and beyond, This is in lieu of our Sunday gathering. Jason's
message will be approximately the same length that it is during our Sunday morning gathering. We will also provide a link to a Spotify and YouTube playlist that you can use for worshipping with your family at
Thursday Zoom Gathering:
This is an opportunity to explore the topic from Sunday's message more fully. This will be hosted like an online Life Group,
where Pastor Jason will be asking questions for your reflection as well as allow people to share thoughts and get questions
answered. If you would like to join this virtual gathering - open to anyone - please email
3. Provide opportunities to meet needs both inside our church family and in the broader community. We imagine that the longer this pandemic continues, the more needs will arise. We want to provide tangible ways for our church family to respond.
Our Brookview Family: We are in dialogue with our Life Groups that are gathering online and we have an option on our online
Sunday morning communication card for people to express their needs as well as make us aware of other people's needs
during this season of reduced hours and layoffs. If you have need, or know of someone who does, please fill out our online
communication card, If you would like be to on the distribution list of people that
get notified as needs arise, please email
Vision House & The Nourishing Network: We are in weekly communication with Vision House, and The Nourishing Network - our two community partners that are helping to fight homelessness in our community. If you would like to be on a distribution list
for when those needs arise, please email
Giving: Brookview depends on regular giving to pay our new mortgage, and all of the many other costs outside of our Sunday morning gathering. If you don't already donate through your online bill payer or our online giving platform, would you consider doing that during this season of not being at church to donate in person? Here is a link to how to do that as well as our mailing address.
Communication: We want to hear from you! If there is a way we can be praying for you during the week, if you're new to Brookview and want to be on an email distribution list, if you are wanting to join a Life Group in April, etc. Please go to our online communication card and connect with us!
I can't wait to see all of you again in person! Until then, I'm excited about how God will use us in unique ways during this season. If you or someone you know of needs ANYTHING, please reach out to us. We want to help.
Jen Huguenin
Updates: We will continue to communicate any closures or event changes through our social media platforms - Facebook, and Instagram, as well as on our website. If this message is all that you see in those places, it means we have not made any changes.